I have come from being a burned out, caretaking, people-pleaser to being a confident, independent business owner.

I spent all my time and energy (and money) taking care of everyone else’s needs and ignoring myself.   

I was bitter and resentful, unhealthy, overweight, and miserable until I got FED UP and decided to change things around.

I have worked hard to create the life I used to dream of, and now I have the privilege to help other people do the same thing.

I am married with 4 adult children and 3 grandkids that are the center of my universe.   I have the best job in the world helping other people, while spending time doing the things I love – like walking, painting, pickleball, spending time at the lake, and home improvement.  

Hi! My name is Missy.

I am honored to be a part of your journey.

3 parts in my Calm the Chaos program.

I'll help you minimize overwhelm and implement sustainable strategies to regain:

  • CLARITY – Step back from your hectic life to observe the dynamics going on at home and work, uncovering the habits that aren’t serving you.  Ditch the unrealistic expectations of yourself and others and reshape your mindset.

  • CONFIDENCE – Prioritize your needs, opinions, and well-being in your busy life. Approach stressful situations with confidence. Rejuvenate your life to boost energy, patience, focus, and overall happiness.

  • CONTROL – Stop reacting to every demand and get back to feeling in control of your life, with peace of mind and confidence you can handle whatever comes your way.   

You don't have to just survive your crazy-busy life as an overworked unfulfilled person anymore. I'll empower you with the tools and accountability to thrive in all your many roles.

Want to learn how it’s done?  I invite you to book a free 15-minute coffee chat so we can map out how you can finally calm the chaos in your life.

Do it now and get started transforming your life from overwhelming to overflowing with satisfaction, success and serenity.

Life Changing Benefits of Working with Missy:

  • When I reached out to you, I was desperate for peace of mind. My personal and professional life lacked clarity and was creating a cloud of uncertainty. I have learned methods I practice in both my professional and personal life, which has allowed me to look at everything differently. I have control over my life, my decisions, and my future. I could not say that before this process.


  • My business is EXPLODING because of the work I have done on my mindset and confidence. Your help is invaluable!


  • I’ve worked with Missy over the last few months and my eyes are open. I was reluctant to spend any money or time on myself – I had the “just figure it out” or “you’re fine” attitude for so long. I found myself on a merry-go-round with several issues and Missy helped me see different ways to look at each of them. My time each week with her was so valuable and rewarding for my relationship with others and myself.


  • You’ve guided me from darkness so black that I wasn’t aware how low I was. You’ve shown me how to rethink and reframe situations so much, I can now see the positive in my life.

    ~ Peggy

  • The most beneficial part of the process for me was finding the clarity I needed to have a healthy balance between running a business and a family and setting a clear business plan. It really is life changing.


  • I have finally started feeling like myself again. Life would have been so much easier if I had done this 10 years ago when my kids were at home!
